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Spring Season Coming Soon! 4 Ways to Get Your Home Ready!


Spring Season Coming Soon! 4 Ways to Get Your Home Ready!

Spring is on the horizon and we are so excited for the warmer days ahead! Making sure you are prepared for the new season will not only give you a sense of ease and calm, but also keep your home safe and maybe more energy efficient.

  1. Declutter Key Spaces

Spring is the perfect time to declutter your home and freshen things up. Start by going through each room and getting rid of any items you no longer need or use. Donate or sell what you can, and toss whatever is beyond repair. Not only will decluttering create more space, but it will also create a sense of calm and organization. Plus – it’ll make cleaning a breeze. Grab some bins or bags, put on some upbeat tunes if that’s your thing and let the decluttering magic begin!

Areas like the garage, attic, basement and pantry tend to be areas where clutter gathers – start in those areas and work your way throughout the house. Even if the start is moving décor where it needs to go, dusting, throwing out expired items or organizing stored items, it is a great start!


  1. Test Items Around Your House

Testing your home’s safety devices like smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors is crucial for a secure and comfortable living environment. Take a few minutes to check if your smoke alarms are working by pressing the test button and listening for the alarm to sound. Do the same with your carbon monoxide detectors and verify that the alarm goes off.

While you are testing safety items around the house – check the ceiling fans, filters and dryer vents. Give your ceiling fans a spin to ensure they are working properly and can provide a cool breeze in the upcoming warmer months.

Filters in your HVAC system help trap dust, allergens, and other particles, improving the overall air quality in your home. By checking these filters regularly and replacing if necessary will ensure they are working effectively.

These simple checks can give you peace of mind and help keep you, your loved ones and pets safe and comfortable. Stay vigilant!


  1. Add Weather-Stripping to Doors and Windows

Weather-stripping the doors and windows in and around your home will seal the gaps and cracks around them. Weather-stripping is done by applying a strip of material like rubber or foam to create a tight seal when windows and doors are closed.

This technique helps to prevent drafts and energy loss. This will keep the conditioned air in and the muggy air out. It also helps with reducing noise and creating a barrier that prevents dust, insects and other unwanted elements to enter.

When you weather-strip your homes doors and windows you can save on energy costs and create a cozy, draft-free environment inside your home.


  1. Outdoor Maintenance and Areas to Check

To prepare the outside of your home for spring, you can start by giving it a good cleaning. Grab a broom and sweep away any debris from walkways, patios, and driveways. Rake up any leftover leaves or dead plants from your yard. If you have a garden, now is a great time to prune any overgrown branches or plants. Don’t forget to check your outdoor furniture and give it a wipe down or even a fresh coat of paint if needed.

Other things to check when you are working on the exterior of your home is to make sure your lawn mower is working properly. Inspect around the home especially the foundation, siding and roof (visually) for any damage. Doing this will ensure you do not run into any major problems down the road.

After completing these items and checking around your house to make sure everything looks good and is working properly – you are ready to go into spring with ease!